matt fowler

For me, this campaign began sitting in a funeral parlour. Like so many others my family had felt the true impact of Covid-19 and, painfully socially distanced, we had sat to discuss the arrangements for my Dad's final rest.

I was angry. I had watched the spread of the virus from the far east, through Europe and eventually to our shores, but what I hadn't seen was any action from the government. I felt someone had to do something about it, but I said "who is going to listen to me? I'm a nobody from the Midlands!"

And so, after meeting Jo Goodman, I co-founded the Covid-19 Bereaved Families For Justice campaign to find the truth of what happened during the pandemic, to learn from the mistakes and to work towards changing the system for the better to stop other people going through what I had.

I have no background in campaigning or politics, nor do I have any experience running a charity. What I do have is heart and determination to stand up for everyone affected by the pandemic and get justice for all of them and most of all, for my Dad.