Many of our members have found it helpful to join our Facebook group. This is a private group in which people who have lost loved ones to Covid 19 support one another, share experiences and listen to one another’s stories.
Below are a series of resources and support services for people who have suffered a bereavement.
Cruse bereavement
A specialist bereavement support organisation which also runs a helpline.
The samaritans
A 24-hour helpline for anyone who’s in distress.
Winston's Wish
A childhood bereavement charity, including Covid-19 specific support, with resources and information about their helpline/online chat.
General information about Covid-19 bereavement and a bereavement helpline
Bame stream
Free, culturally competent, brief emotional online support to anyone from a Black, Asian or other Minority Ethnic background in England experiencing bereavement and loss due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Support Groups
Cruse bereavement
A specialist bereavement support organisation which also runs a helpline.
Grief Encounter
Supporting children and young people who have experienced a bereavement.
Winston's Wish
A childhood bereavement charity, including Covid-19 specific support, with resources and information about their helpline/online chat.
Let’s Talk About Loss
Support for people aged from 18 to 35.
National Bereavement Partnership
Providing a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from anxiety, grief or mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Widowed and Young
Supporting those who have lost a partner aged 50 or under.
At A Loss
Providing the UK’s signposting website for the bereaved, a library of resources and access to GriefChat – an online webchat service.
NHS guidance on bereavement including how to access support through your GP.
The National Bereavement Partnership
Provides a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from anxiety, grief or mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Online Information
The UK Government
A page with information on practical and financial support which is available to those who have been bereaved.
Citizens Advice
Offering information on how to access bereavement benefits.
Our partners have produced a useful guide to what to expect through the inquest and investigation process for anyone who decides to go down that route.
care for the family
A really comprehensive list of bereavement support organisations.
Facebook Groups
Covid 19 Families UK
Yellow Hearts to Remember – Covid 19
Coronavirus (Covid 19) Bereavement Group
Covid 19 Bereaved Families Support Group
Bereaved by Covid19. Coronavirus mutual support group
Alone Together