
Many of our members have found it helpful to join our Facebook group. This is a private group in which people who have lost loved ones to Covid 19 support one another, share experiences and listen to one another’s stories.

Below are a series of resources and support services for people who have suffered a bereavement.


  • Cruse bereavement

    A specialist bereavement support organisation which also runs a helpline.

  • The samaritans

    A 24-hour helpline for anyone who’s in distress.

  • Winston's Wish

    A childhood bereavement charity, including Covid-19 specific support, with resources and information about their helpline/online chat.

  • sudden

    General information about Covid-19 bereavement and a bereavement helpline

  • Bame stream

    Free, culturally competent, brief emotional online support to anyone from a Black, Asian or other Minority Ethnic background in England experiencing bereavement and loss due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Support Groups

  • Cruse bereavement

    A specialist bereavement support organisation which also runs a helpline.

  • Grief Encounter

    Supporting children and young people who have experienced a bereavement.

  • Winston's Wish

    A childhood bereavement charity, including Covid-19 specific support, with resources and information about their helpline/online chat.

  • Let’s Talk About Loss

    Support for people aged from 18 to 35.

  • National Bereavement Partnership

    Providing a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from anxiety, grief or mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Widowed and Young

    Supporting those who have lost a partner aged 50 or under.

  • At A Loss

    Providing the UK’s signposting website for the bereaved, a library of resources and access to GriefChat – an online webchat service.


  • NHS

    NHS guidance on bereavement including how to access support through your GP.

  • The National Bereavement Partnership

    Provides a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from anxiety, grief or mental health issues as a direct or indirect result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online Information

  • The UK Government

    A page with information on practical and financial support which is available to those who have been bereaved.

  • Citizens Advice

    Offering information on how to access bereavement benefits.

  • Inquest

    Our partners have produced a useful guide to what to expect through the inquest and investigation process for anyone who decides to go down that route.

  • care for the family

    A really comprehensive list of bereavement support organisations.

Facebook Groups